Call Her Marlo: “Something Rotten” — Part Five

Hi! 🙂 Time for another episode/part/segment of this.

Click the link to see the previous part, etc.

Elsinore Heights had two graveyards. One for the rich people and one for the really rich people. I took a chance that Hamlet’s family and close associates fell into the latter category.

I pulled my roadster up before a two-story brick building with a grandly columned entrance. The lavish cemetery stopped short of rolling out a red carpet for visitors.

Upon entering, I was greeted by a short man who introduced himself as Mr. Pharo. He had a gleaming smile and head of dark hair lacquered to his skull.

He demurred when I asked about Hamlet. “I’m not at liberty to discuss our visitors,” he said in a high-pitched, nasal whine.

I offered him a sawbuck. He gazed at it, then at me. “Well …” He let the word trail off.

I added two more. Pharo tried to grab the cash, but I pulled back a hand and slapped him across the face with it.

“Give,” I said.

Looking wounded, Pharo rubbed his cheek. “Okay, I’ll spill. Hamlet was here. The funerals were real, and someone made sure Hamlet found out, to draw him in. That’s all I know.”

I gave that a thought.

“Did you see Hamlet leave?” I asked.

He shook his head. Negative.

I gave it more thought, then reluctantly pulled out more money.

“For a bit more cash, would you let me search your offices?” I asked.

Pharo chuckled and took the dough. “Sure, sure. Why not?”

The office provided nothing in way of leads, except to confirm that Hamlet’s family pretty much owned the place. A quick look at the visitor’s log showed Hamlet’s name scrawled toward the bottom of a short list. Followed by an R. Smith and G. Jones. Real clever, guys.

Between Hamlet’s freaky pronouncements and his bloody thoughts, I was worried. Where would he go next? Home to confront his uncle or stepfather or whatever he was?

That was my best guess. I returned to my car and aimed it toward the Hamlet Mansion. Something rotten was going on and I needed to find the source of the stench.


Come back for the Big Finale! 🙂

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