Tag Archives: Announcements

What’s new in June?

Well, this isn’t actually new, but it’s new to you, right? Maybe. This book, along with several other mysteries are available for free for the rest of this month. Just click here to access the giveaways. Here’s a sample of … Continue reading

Posted in Amazing News, Columns, Current Day, Dystonia, Life Update, Life with Dystonia, Memoirs, My Journal, Wellness | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The results are in!

The small print: This blog isn’t officially affiliated with Rock the Vote. But we hope they don’t mind our using their logo here! 🙂 On that note (with the understanding that by reading this, you hereby accept my terms and … Continue reading

Posted in Crime Fiction, Food for Thought, Indie Authors, Life Update, Music, My Crime Fiction, Political Correctness, Politics, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment