Tag Archives: Wellness

How to Deal With Distraction — Part Two

As promised, this is Part Two of my short series on how to deal with distraction. And here’s Part One. As a follow-up to my previous post about mindful meditation, here are some additional points to consider: When you feel … Continue reading

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How to Deal With Distraction

In today’s society, there are so many distractions that it’s difficult, at times, to find ways to focus and get our work done. One problem with the Internet is that so much information gets thrown at us so quickly that … Continue reading

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Smile! Aren’t you happy now?

You know I was reading this article and I got to the part where they pulled out a quote that said, “When somebody tells you to smile, it’s kind of hard not to.” Well … no, not necessarily. Sometimes when … Continue reading

Posted in Current Day, Essay, Food for Thought, Life Update, Life with Dystonia, My Journal, Random Crap, Recovering Lawyer, Wellness, Writers Life | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thought for the Day

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 The minute I walked into my office this morning, I realized I was exhausted. I was so exhausted I didn’t even want to look at my email. I was so exhausted the thought of simply moving … Continue reading

Posted in Dystonia, Essay, Humor, Random Crap, Writers Life | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Then the Floor Nearly Swallowed Me …

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020 This is a tough one to write, because … well, you’ll see. But I will end it with a tasteless joke. So, you have that to look forward to. It takes me maybe thirty minutes to … Continue reading

Posted in Current Day, Life with Dystonia, My Journal, Random Crap | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hailing Frequencies

Actually, it’s “healing frequencies”. 🙂 This is a tip I picked up at a wellness retreat I attended recently. Go to YouTube and search on the terms “healing frequencies” and take your pick from the results. Here are three that … Continue reading

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