Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Lists of 10 (And Top 10 Reasons Lists)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I think the headline speaks for itself, so I’ll skip the long-winded verbose intro.

10. Look who started this bullshit. Some guy named Dave.

9. How do I know our tastes agree?

8. Why are my choices so special? Or yours?

7. Your reasons for loving something might be my reasons for hating it.

6. You may think you know what I like, need, or want, but then again, you might not. And vice versa.

5. There is a tendency on Top 10 lists to repeat oneself using different words.

4. They really do get repetitious.

3. I mean it. Repetitious.

2. Why 10? Because decimals? What about the hexadecimal system? Why not a Fibonacci sequence countdown?

1. You eventually just fucking run out of things to say!

Pretend this is me. 🙂

PS: Okay, wow!

I will let this speak for itself.

PPS: Wait! When did Hoopla start doing this? 🙂

PPPS: One last thought …

Video via Paul Downie! 🙂

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